Is a Permanent Tattoo Painful?

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Tattoos have been in use for ages, being a way to express yourself and art. But, a common perception about tattoos in Kolkata is that they're extremely painful. Many people are reluctant to have a tattoo permanently from the best tattoo artist in Kolkata due to anxiety. However, is it as painful and uncomfortable as it appears? Let's dispel this myth and find out the real reasons behind the discomfort of having tattoos.

The Process of Getting a Tattoo

Before getting into the issue of pain, it's important to comprehend the procedure of tattoos. If you choose to tattoo yourself, you pick a design that is etched on the skin with needles that inject ink into your dermis layer. The depth of the needle's penetration is determined by the design and also the region of the body to be tattooed.

In the process of tattooing, Professional tattoo artists employ a tattoo machine that punctures the skin in a short time by releasing ink under the skin's surface. The needles used are thin and are specifically designed to prevent damage to the skin. The procedure involves a mix of pressure and vibration that can result in some discomfort.

The Sensation of Getting a Tattoo

Although it is true that getting a tattoo can cause a degree of discomfort, describing the pain as intense is a gross exaggeration. The discomfort that a tattoo can cause is a variable thing based on many factors, such as the patient's tolerance to pain as well as the location of the tattoo, and the expertise in the art of tattooing.

Every person's tolerance to pain is different, and the sensation that may be slightly uncomfortable for one individual may be more uncomfortable for someone else. But it's important to remember that the sensation associated with receiving a tattoo is usually described as a mix of stinging, scratching, and a slight burning sensation, not as intense pain.

In addition, the pain is likely to decrease over time since our bodies release endorphins which are natural painkillers. Many people notice that within the first few minutes of discomfort, it gets less uncomfortable. Some even feel it is beneficial and relaxing.

Choosing a Skilled Tattoo Artist

A crucial element that can greatly impact the pain in a tattoo session is the expertise and experience of the artist. Professional tattoo artist in Kolkata, such as the ones from 3 Cube Tattoo, are aware of the correct techniques and utilizes top-quality equipment to guarantee the smoothest and least painful tattooing.

The 3 Cube Tattoo there are professional tattoo artists with years of experience who value their customers' comfort and satisfaction. Their knowledge helps them minimize the pain using appropriate needle techniques, assuring an even hand and creating a relaxing environment during the process of tattooing. They will also take the time to explain the procedure and address any questions, and provide instructions for aftercare to ensure a pain-free healing process.


Although it's natural to be concerned regarding the discomfort that comes with having a tattoo that is permanent, however, it's important to discern truth from fiction. Although there may be some discomfort, the pain is typically exaggerated, and the overall experience is different from person to individual. Make sure you choose a professional tattoo artist, such as the one located at 3 Cube Tattoo in Kolkata will significantly alter your experience and help minimize any discomfort.

So, if you've ever been afraid to get permanent tattoos because of the fear of hurt but don't let that stop you from doing it and get it from the best tattoo studio in Kolkata. Make the leap and let your personality shine through the wonderful tattoo art.